Em 2004, na altura em que publiquei no DN um trabalho sobre a primeira e única reunião entre o primeiro-ministro, Vasco Gonçalves, e o presidente norte-americano, Gerald Ford, à margem de uma reunião da NATO, na Bélgica, em Maio de 1975, eu e o editor, o João Morgado Fernandes, só conseguimos uma foto do encontro. Foi essa que "entrou em página".
Passados quase dez anos, encontrei na Ford Library "contact sheets" de fotos desse encontro. São momentos históricos.
Há fotos de Ford e Henry Kissinger, o secretário de Estado norte-americano, de pé, à espera do "companheiro Vasco". Depois, vê-se Rosa Coutinho, o "almirante vermelho", com um sorriso (!), a cumprimentar Ford. Um fotograma à frente está um menos sorridente Vasco a saudar Ford.
No fotograma 14, vê-se Kissinger com a mão na cabeça. Ele que se queixou de ter levado uma lição sobre governação do Vasco Gonçalves. O homem forte da diplomacia norte-americana diria mais tarde que Gonçalves era comunista. A única dúvida que tinha era se o senhor pagava ou não as quota ao PCP...
(a foto pode ser encontrada no
arquivo on-line da Ford Library)
A 16 de maio de 2008, publiquei o seguinte neste blogue:
Um documento da Ford Library
Um exemplo de documento da
Ford Library.
No caso é um memorando de uma reunião do gabinete de Ford, na Casa
Branca, a 4 de Junho de 1975, após uma visita do presidente
norte-americano à Europa e uma cimeira da NATO, em Bruxelas, durante a
qual se reuniu com o primeiro-ministro português, general Vasco
Esta reunião de Ford, Kissinger com Vasco Gonçalves - cujo
memorando não está "on-line" - serviu de base a um capítulo do livro:
"Diálogo de surdos em Bruxelas – O frente-a-frente de Vasco Gonçalves com Ford e Kissinger".
regresso a Washington, foi nesta reunião que Kissinger afirmou que o
governo português poderia estar a fazer o jogo dos soviéticos.
E.O. 12958 Sec. 3.6
MR 95-83, #24, NSC ltr 6/25/96
By let, NARA, Date 1/16/97
Notes of the Cabinet Meeting June 4th, 1975 - 2:00 p.m.
The President entered the Cabinet Room at 2:10 p.m.
The Press entered at 2:12 p.m.; departed at 2:15 p.m.
President opened the meeting and thanked the members of the Cabinet and
staff for the warm welcome. He indicated that a major vote had just
taken place and that the Administration sustained the veto on the Jobs
Bill by a vote of 277 to 145. He mentioned that one week to ten days
ago, the Administration could not have sustained the veto. The message
the President gave to the Republicans was that if Republicans could not
hold the line on this one, it would open the flood gate. The President
was generous in his praise for everyone, specifically naming (for their
testimony) Weinberger, Morton, and Zarb; and for the Congressional
effort, Jack Marsh and Max Friedersdorf. The President added that he
believed this was a significant victory, a major victory, and perhaps
the most important vote for the Administration since he has been
The President then began his discussion of foreign
policy, indicating that he left with hopes and returned with no regrets.
That in discussing that which had transpired in Europe on the return
flight, the feeling was that they were very satisfied; it was a
successful trip and they made all of the headway they had hoped to make.
The President believed the meeting with NATO was important for several
reasons: 1) To strengthen the Alliance, 2) To indicate his personal
interest in and maintenance of European relationships; and 3) Also, to
serve notice that the Alliance needs to recognize Spain as a part of
NATO for the defense of Europe. The United States has an arrangement
with Spain, which adds to the total defense of Europe.
the European Community has not welcomed Spain because of its
dictatorship and support of the German Empire during World War II.
President's discussion with the Prime Minister of Portugal was cordial.
The United States was very firm and blunt in its discussion with him.
The United States indicated to the Prime Minister that it sees many
deficiencies in its present Government. In fact, the President asked him
to de-
scribe his system of Government and it took
the Prime Minister some twenty minutes just to tell the President how
his Government makes decisions. It was suggested that the system was a
bit chaotic. The President indicated that he believed there could not be
a double standard, one for Spain and one for Portugal, in the United
States' relationship with the two countries. Therefore, it was important
that the United States maintains an interest in, and be candid with
In Spain the President's efforts concentrated on the
military situation and the maintenance of the United States air bases
there. It is important to Western Europe to have the Mediterranean area
secure and United States bases in Spain add to that security. The
President was warmly received in Spain and there were huge crowds on his
motorcade route.
In Austria the President indicated he tumbled
into Austria, but that he really felt that Betty had tripped him, then
ran away and left him to get to his feet all by himself. He indicated
that the meeting with Sadat was excellent and the personal rapport
between the two leaders is very good. He did indicate to Sadat that the
United States was continuing its reassessment of the Middle East and
that the United States wants to explore all facts, options, and
possibilities. The President feels there are three choices to be made:
1) Resume step-by step diplomacy, 2) Develop a comprehensive settlement,
which would raise serious problems with final frontiers, and 3)
Specific bilateral agreements within the parameters of the comprehensive
plan. The President indicated to Sadat that all of those would be taken
into consideration during the reassessment.
In Rome the
President discussed the entire underside or belly of NATO, the
Mediterranean area, Portugal, Turkey, Greece, Spain, and all of the
problems related to that. He believes the Italians are making good
progress on the economic front and while it is not decisive yet, there
is a feeling that the Italians are doing a good job. The President said
he was very impressed with the people he met in the Government,
specifically citing Leone and Moro as being very sharp. He was cordially
received and the discussions were very fruitful.
The President
mentioned that he had a very impressive audience with the Pope. He had
been told the Pope was very sick, however, he appeared to be well,
giving the President a good handshake and speaking in a very strong
voice. He covered a wide range of topics in a long meeting. He was
impressed with the Pope and with the reception at the Vatican.
President in summing up his trip to Europe, said the total trip
signifies the forward movement and momentum of American foreign policy.
In spite of the problems with Vietnam and all of Southeast Asia, the
United States will stand firmly by its Allies; it will maintain its
commitments, and American foreign policy will be strong and bold in
future years.
The President then asked Henry if he cared to make any comments.
Kissinger said that when the United States first proposed a NATO
Meeting, the Allies were not enthusiastic about it. It came at a very
difficult time for the United States and no one in NATO was particularly
excited about having a meeting.
There was a discussion as to
whether or not the United States should take new and creative measures,
even some gimmickry in getting this group together. The final decision
was made by the President, when he said he wanted to have a straight
forward meeting with NATO with no ploy or gimmicks. Secretary
Kissinger's belief was that the major point the President made at NATO
is that the U. S. is back in business. The United States knew what it
was doing, had a firm commitment, and showed clear direction in its
discussion with other countries.
An example of the kind of
impression left was best summed up by Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada.
Trudeau told others at one of the closing sessions, that the meeting was
so good and so beneficial, that it should be institutionalized. He
indicated that NATO should cover the entire agenda of issues before
world countries as opposed to just defense. Since Canada has been a
rather reluctant partner in NATO from time to time, it is interesting
that he should be so enthusiastic.
The Secretary noted that the
framework was created at Brussels for a good discussion with regard to
Turkey and Greece. The real cog seems to be who will put forth the first
proposition, since it will then seem that party is making the
concession. So the policy seems to be at a point where one country or
the other will put forth a major proposal.
The Secretary said
that the only political party in Portugal is the military. The others
for all intents and purposes were dead. His basic question about
Portugal is why do they stay in NATO, and there seems to be two answers:
1) Because the public is not ready to accept the fact that they might
pull out, and 2) Perhaps they are staying in to serve the Communist
The big problem in Spain, of course, is
how influential can the United States be in keeping Spain from going
like Portugal when Franco dies. Therefore, the President met with
Franco, as well as Juan Carlos and Arias to be certain the United States
was clearly identified with the transitional power and the succession
of Franco. (...)
Cabinet Meeting Minutes, 6/4/75, Box 4, James E. Connor Files, Gerald R. Ford Library.